Friday 15 June 2012

BUZZING off the second round of success for pop group Steps, singer Lisa Scott-Lee is enjoying being part of the group once again after going solo.
And the North Wales raised star is excited at playing to a home crowd this summer, at the Gyl Gobaith music festival in Flintshire – much smaller than the massive venues the reformed band has been packing out.
"I love travelling, but North Wales will always be my home. I'm sure I will see some familiar faces in the crowd, and it is great for Steps to be able to perform at a great festival that is for such a good cause," said Lisa.
"To have the opportunity to do this again I feel really lucky, and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I am remembering how fun it is to perform on stage with everyone together."
Lisa said the group are grateful for the fans’ support. "It's funny because lots of our fans from the first time round now have children of their own and are bringing them along – the Steps generation is growing."
After the multi million-selling Steps split in 2001, Lisa embarked on a solo album, but confessed she much prefers to be part of a group again.
She said "It's still so familiar to me, it's like putting on an old pair of slippers."
There was a split between us for a while, but we're all grown ups now and were only teenagers back then. We all have our adult heads on our shoulders and see things a lot differently.
"We consider ourselves very lucky as we have all watched lots of bands come and go, but so far so good, and we hope it carries on."
When Lisa and fellow band members Faye Tozer, Ian "H" Watkins, Lee Latchford Evans and Claire Richards announced they were getting back together, their album The Ultimate Collection soared to Number One. Four-part Sky documentary Steps Reunion pulled in the channel’s biggest viewing figures, while 80,000 concert tickets were pre-ordered for the group’s UK tour.
They will be playing a rare open-air gig at the August bank holiday four-day Gyl Gobaith festival at Northop.
Charlotte Church, Hayley Westenera, Rhys Meirion, the Three Phantoms and Shân Cothi are also performing, raising cash for Wales Air Ambulance, cancer charities and HeadtoHeart.
Lisa revealed Steps are now rehearsing and scaling down their usual larger set ready for a more intimate audience at Northop.
Lisa added: "Whether playing to a sellout arena or a smaller, more intimate audience I always get a buzz when I see the crowd." "North Wales is such a beautiful part of the world and it will be nice for me, and also H who is from there, to perform in a place that is very special to us.
"After living in Dubai for over a year and trying to keep my two young children out of the media spotlight as much as possible, it will be a great opportunity to see my home once again.
"Whether playing to a sellout arena or a smaller, more intimate audience I always get a buzz when I see the crowd."

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Lisa and Jonny

LIFE is a deeper shade of blue these days for former Steps star Lisa Scott-Lee – and that’s because she loves nothing more than going for a regular swim with husband Johnny Shentall and their children, three-year-old son Jaden and daughter Star Lily, who’ll be two in September. And they don’t have to go far these days – they’ve got their own pool at their stunning new home in Dubai!
Because of the heat out there, these days they’re having their summer holiday back in the UK! That’s given Lisa a chance to get involved in National Baby Swimming Week and encourage parents to take their babies swimming. ‘It’s hard when you’re a first-time mum even to get out of the house sometimes, so it’s a nice way to combine some exercise with spending time with your child, and getting out and meeting other parents,’ says Lisa.
All that splashing about requires some sustenance so, keeping things nautical, we tempted Lisa, 35, and Johnny, 32, to a seafood lunch in the beach house-style Summerhouse at the World’s End Distillery near London’s Chelsea, where we fished for everything from Lisa’s second career as an author to the chances of that ever-possible Steps reunion…

Lisa, we know you must get asked this every day – but what is the likelihood of Steps reuniting?
What really takes me by surprise is the constant interest in it, which is lovely. It’s been almost ten years, and I can’t believe that people still remember us. We have had nice offers over the last few years. So you never know – watch this space. I’d love to think we could do something – just to celebrate that the fact that we did achieve a lot, and we’re all friends and adults now.

Do you think there’s room for an act like Steps in today’s pop scene?
Definitely. I think the fun aspect is coming back around again in pop. What’s interesting is that there hasn’t really been a band to emulate what we did – I can’t think of another pop boy-and-girl band out there now. We’re in a recession, there’s doom and gloom all around – we need a bit of pop to lighten the mood!

Are you in still touch with the others?
Very much so. We all like to catch up and support each other. H and I have always had a really strong bond. We’re both Welsh and we’re both a bit naughty – in a fun way. We revert
back to children. Johnny will tell you – we drive him mad!

Why have you moved to Dubai?
Johnny: We always went there on holiday and we bought a property there many years ago. We just wanted to live there, so we thought now’s the time before the kids start school. We’ve got a nice villa on the Palm Jumeirah, and it’s beautiful. We’ve been there since February and it feels very much like home already.
Lisa: It’s really nice that we’re able to have this family time together somewhere so lovely. I feel very lucky. I’ve been in the business for about 15 years, so it’s quite special to take some time out. It’s great to have the glamour of what we do, but I know what’s really important in life, and that’s my babies – including Johnny!

Are the kids talking – or singing?
Lisa: Jaden is talking and singing. Star Lily is saying a few words – she’s trying to talk and it’s just adorable. They sing and they dance. Johnny and I just sit back and get excited. We’re not pushing them to sing and dance, but they do really enjoy it.

Do you play them Steps songs?
I do – and they love it! I’m really proud of my Steps history! I was on YouTube the other day, just reminiscing and looking back at some of our old songs. I thought Jaden was watching the telly, but he came over to my laptop and he said: ‘That’s Mummy!’ and I said: ‘Yes, Mummy was a pop star!’

Will your children go to school in Dubai?
Johnny: We have started looking at schools in Dubai, and also in the UK – we want to keep our options open, as obviously the early stages are really important for them because they learn so much so quickly; they’re like little sponges!

Would you like more children?
Lisa: I think I’d like more children, as I love being a mum, and Johnny and I always said we’d have either two or four. We like the even numbers! To be honest, if we don’t have any more, I’d still feel really happy. We may stop at two – but I just love children!
Johnny: Two’s perfect, and we feel really blessed because we’ve got one of each, and they’re absolutely adorable. We dreamt of that when we talked about having children. But we may have more – and we’ve still got time!

Lisa, do you miss the live concerts and the performing from the Steps days?
Part of me will always miss that, but I do my solo gigs as well, and I headlined a lot of Pride festivals last year. I’ve toured China and Australia over the past few years as a solo artist and I have my dancers. Johnny is a great choreographer so he helps me with that side of things.

What else have you been doing?
I’m writing a children’s book, my second one. The first one was just for me, I didn’t approach any publishers – it was more of a learning curve – but I’m really pleased with the second one. The psychic Sally Morgan told me I was going to be a well-known writer! Do I believe in all that? Well of course, if she’s telling me nice things!

Johnny, what are you up to these days?
I’ve been doing a lot of dance teaching and choreography in the UK. In Dubai I’ve been choreographing fashion shows and I’ve also been approached to choreograph some shows over there later in the year, which is really exciting.

You were in Hear’Say for a short time – do you miss the performing at all?
Not now, no. I’m really happy now to be able to spend this time with the children. Being self-employed means I can be in every night and help Lisa with their baths and bedtime. You get to spend that quality bonding time with them and, as a hands-on dad, I feel really lucky about that.

Lisa, what’s your favourite Steps song?
Deeper Shade Of Blue. I’ve always loved my dance music and I think that one went a little bit edgier. The video is still pretty amazing – I watched it the other day on YouTube and I thought it was still actually really cool – and quite ahead of its time. Steps weren’t really known for being ultra-cool, but when you watch that video, you’d be surprised!

We loved you in Dancing On Ice, Lisa. Would you like to do more reality TV?
Strictly Come Dancing would be lovely. It’s the best one. I wouldn’t go into the jungle or do Big Brother. I want my children to be proud of me, so they can see me learning to skate or another skill. I’m also quite looking forward to them discovering how big Steps were. I don’t want to rush time, but it’ll be quite nice to hear them say: ‘Wow, Mummy, you guys were really good!’

What did your families think when you told them you were moving so far away?
Johnny: Our families have come out to see us. I think they found it hard at first when we told them we were moving out there, but at the end of the day, they say if the children are happy, that’s the most important thing – and the kids absolutely love it. Jaden has been asking: ‘When are we going back to Dubai, Daddy?’ because obviously his toys are there and he knows the swimming pool is there, where he can go swimming every day.

Lisa, talking of swimming, why are you currently promoting a campaign for people to take their babies with them to swimming pools?
I’ve been approached by Huggies to front their Little Swimmers Swim Buddy campaign, which is encouraging parents to take their babies swimming. There are lots of great health benefits, not just for your baby, but for you too. I swam throughout both my pregnancies, until I was eight and a half months pregnant, and I swam soon after the births as well, which really helped me keep the weight off and get my figure back.
Is it safe to go swimming when you’re heavily pregnant?
Absolutely. My doctor told me it’s a great form of exercise, it’s healthy, and I didn’t particularly want to go to the gym with a big bump. It worked well for me and hopefully it will work for other pregnant ladies out there.

Did you have water births with both your babies?
Yes, so I suppose there’s a link there! I think if babies can feel comfortable in water, that’s the first step. I’m not putting pressure on babies to swim, but it’s about having the interaction with other babies and other parents. This is a nice way to combine exercise, spending time with your children and meeting other parents.

Are your children good swimmers?
Star Lily is a bit young, but she loves being in the water. Jaden is really competent in the pool. He swims with a float and he’s really good, he just goes toddling off around the big pool
by himself!